Brothers Work Through Their Loss Together

Nothing can break this brotherly bond, not even grief.

Samuel, age 11, and Joseph, age 9, are consistent members of the Monday night grief group at Valerie’s House- Fort Myers. They started coming to group night with their father, Arnold, in January 2021.

The brothers are grieving the death of their mother, Arnold’s wife, who passed away in April 2020 after losing her battle with cancer. They all have found comfort while attending group night at Valerie’s House.

“It’s important to talk about your feelings because if you don’t, it’s just going to stay with you until you feel sad,” Samuel said. “When you take it off your mind, you feel relieved.”

He also said he enjoys coming to Valerie’s House to spend time with friends who understand what he’s going through.

Arnold is a founding member of the Valerie’s House dad’s group. He is a strong leader in the group and someone that the men can depend on and look to for encouragement.

“Valerie’s House has helped us a lot,” Arnold said. “We feel their love and that they care about us. I feel relieved because I am no longer afraid to show my emotions.”

The family has stuck with Valerie’s House through our community’s most challenging times. They attended groups with COVID-19 precautions in place, as well as took part in our virtual groups.

Most recently, the three were severely impacted by Hurricane Ian. Valerie’s House stepped in to support this family, along with many others. We provided Arnold and his children with a generator and additional supplies after the storm.

The boys said they felt supported knowing that Valerie’s House was there for them after the hurricane and that they didn’t have to go through it alone.

“I feel happy when I come to Valerie’s House,” Joseph said. “I have a lot of friends that make me feel like I’m going to be okay.”