Teen Finds Comfort in Virtual Grief Support During COVID-19 Pandemic

Valerie's House teen, Stori, is spending the last months of her senior year at home. Major end-of-year events are canceled, including prom and graduation. Stori wishes she was spending this time making lasting memories with her friends, because they are all going their separate ways in the Fall.

The one person who would be able to help Stori make sense of it all is not here, and that is one of the biggest challenges she's facing right now. When Stori's mother died in 2015, she lost the person she could rely on most. Stori is not alone. She and other Valerie's House teens were able to discuss their grief as it relates to the current pandemic in their new virtual support group. Stori is glad to have an outlet like Valerie's House where she can express her grief with others her own age and realize her feelings are normal and valid.